Denial Is a Dirty Word (and just bad for you)

People have been talking to me a lot lately (and not surprisingly) about the power of positive thinking. These tidbits of wisdom have come from medical professionals and laymen alike. And it is true, positive thinking is quite useful. On the other hand, it does not mean ignoring the facts or believing that everything will work out without taking appropriate action. Without a hefty dose of pragmatism in the mix, putting on a sunny face and ignoring the reality of a situation is just another form of denial, and denial leads down a dark and dangerous road.

When faced with a menacing sounding diagnosis, it is easy to slip into an immediate urge to hide. Over the years, most adults have seen this in others, probably in themselves at some point, for any number of reasons. Hiding one’s head in the proverbial sand is an all-too-common way of avoiding dealing with troubling knowledge.

But what is the difference between a positive outlook and denial? It may seem like a thin line separates the two, but there is actually a wide gulf between them filled with varying shades of gray at the edge and a sea of black starting somewhere in the middle, leading all the way to the Shore of Denial.

When faced with a bad diagnosis, any type of diagnosis, one has the choice of focusing on the terrible prognosis of the diagnosis or opting to live life to the fullest in spite of what might typically be expected. Living life sometimes includes the embrace of things we might not want to include in the mix. Living life well may just involve embracing those less desirable aspects and finding ways to do so with enthusiasm, if not outright excitement.

While there is nothing particularly thrilling about the diagnosis of cancer, the journey through it is filled with both a fascinating historical back story and exciting new technologies and treatments! Being able to see these aspects is an integral component of how I am not only staying engaged in my own health, but finding joy in the process. It allows me to see my own good fortune rather than dwell in fear and ignorance. And I get to keep one less dirty word out of my vocabulary for another day.

Now, here is a gratuitous topless photo:


That was the other day when I had an EKG test. Results: turns out I have a good heart.

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